In support of farmland preservation, Cascade Culver’s (6300 28th St SE) is joining seven other locations to raise awareness and funding for Kent County’s farmland preservation efforts. From 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday, June 25, 10 percent of all sales will benefit the County’s Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) Program.
Join Cascade Township and project partners in celebrating the official opening of Friendship Park, Cascade's newest community gathering space. The dedication, scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, June 29, will feature remarks from township leadership, Kent District Library staff and project contractors. The public will be invited to tour the park. Staff will be positioned at different points to answer any questions people might have.

Cascade Township invites the community to its annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. outside the Cascade Library, 2870 Jacksmith Ave. SE.  Officiating the event will be Township Supervisor Grace Lesperance. Tim Dieffenbach of Thornapple Community Church will give he invocation.  

At 11 a.m. Saturday, May 18, Cascade will celebrate the completion of its seventh park with a dedication ceremony. Speaking at the event will be Township Supervisor Grace Lesperance, Parks & Recreation Director Melanie Manion, and Rev. Michael Rocque of Unity Spiritual Community of Grand Rapids. The church played a pivotal role in the acquisition of the Wycliffe property and shares its parking lot with the Township. Refreshments will be provided by Unity church. Following the short ceremony, attendees will be encouraged to explore the park. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions about the property and playground.

Michigan’s Presidential Primary Election is Tuesday, Feb. 27.
  •  Polls will be open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Election Day. 
  • Early voting begins on Saturday, Feb. 17 and runs through Sunday, Feb. 25.
  • Precinct changes: If you live within Precincts 2 or 9, your polling place has changed.