Among other responsibilities, the Finance Department is responsible for the development and administration of the annual operating budget. Here you can find several resources to learn more about the state of the Township finances including the current year annual operating budget, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, and our Standard & Poor’s rating report outlining our AAA bond rating. Additionally, Cascade Township receives State of Michigan revenue sharing payments through the City, Village and Township Revenue Sharing (CVTRS) program. This program was instituted by the State of Michigan beginning in the 2015 State Fiscal Year and replaced the Economic Vitality Incentive Program (EVIP) which the Township was not eligible for. As part of the CVTRS program the Township is required to produce and maintain several transparency related reports including an easy-to-read Citizens Guide to Finances, a Debt Service Report detailing the outstanding debt of the Township, and a projected budget report. All of these items are also available for your review below. Any questions about the Township budget or finances can be directed to the Finance and Budget Director at (616) 949-6944. Municipal Performance Dashboard Online Citizens Guide to Cascade Finances